Microsoft 11 Gotchas
To make it short and sweet, the main reasons to use Windows 11 are:
- It came with your new computer.
- You enjoy dealing with bugs.
- You are certain you will never use an older application again
- You do not want to buy your own antivirus software
Reasons NOT to upgrade to Windows 11 are:
- Windows 10 is a well tested platform
- Windows 10 still contains support for older 32 bit apps
- Windows 10 will upgrade from Windows 7 unofficially
- Windows 10 will upgrade from Windows 8 unofficially
- Windows 10 will run on older hardware that 11 cannot
- The Windows 10 Defender antivirus is free and decent
- Windows 11 will not run on hardware as recent as 2018
Nevertheless, Windows 11 will soon replace Windows 10 because:
- Microsoft may eventually stop security updates to Windows 10 users
- New computers will automatically come with Windows 11
- Microsoft may force eligible Windows 10 users to upgrade to 11
- Microsoft may strongly encourage older machines be replaced
- It may be in your best interest to buy a new computer, see break-throughs in technology